Personalized Primary Care

We understand how difficult it can be to find a primary care home that gives you that VIP experience. This is what makes our personalized primary care stand out from others as it separates from traditional medicine. Instead of scheduling through multiple practices, offices, and specialist for every aspect of your concerns, our team can fulfill a variety of different medical needs all under one roof. Medical issues are a personal experience, and we treat them that way. VIP Care without the VIP Cost.

Medical Care the Way YOU Want It

Life does not always allow plenty of time for in-person medical visits. In today’s generation of technology, there are now options that allow much more flexibility in how you receive your care. We offer a variety of different appointment styles, which include home visits, virtual care, or in-house options, so as to best fit your lifestyle. We are patient-centered and partner with community resources to keep you as healthy and active as possible.

We Want You To Call Us

Our team is committed to providing you with exceptional, service-oriented medical care in person and over the phone. We want you to feel comfortable to reach out with any questions so that we can quickly solve any problems you may have. Medical calls are often lifeless conversations with a front desk that does not know or care about you. We are changing that. When you call us, we want to make sure that you know how valued and appreciated you are. Phone calls move away from their boring stigma and instead turn into a productive and beneficial conversation. You are a valuable person, and we make sure you see that.

Our Full Team Working For You

Most medical professionals are specialized in one particular area of medicine and would have to refer you elsewhere for topics outside their field. Finding and applying to each of these new doctors is often time consuming and frustrating, both in setting up your appointments as well as coordinating your care during and after. As an alternative to that, we are your one stop shop for many of your medical needs without the hassle, and with the superior care that follows. This also allows you to schedule appointments in one place that already has all of your information. Most importantly, each of your doctors will be able to access your complete information rather than relying solely on what was sent over allowing our team to provide better, more complete care.

Full Circle Care

Rather than having one professional for each aspect of your medical care, we have a full team across multiple disciplines ready to help you with your medical needs. This benefits you in innumerable ways as it centralizes your care. Each and every professional you interact with will have been hand selected to best fit your personal health. They will be able to better diagnose every issue because they will share information across disciplines, and work together towards a common goal, your health. The findings of one may be able to better predict or assist the findings of another. Connecting and coordinating your care is the key to total body health without the frustration of disconnected care that is unfortunately common in today’s patient care.

Paragon Medical Associates

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